My Simple Thoughts, Belief, and Personal Stories on Reincarnation
Simple Thoughts & Personal Stories on Reincarnation
I start this post by saying, I’m not believing in reincarnation
because of any religion. Nothing has influenced me to have faith in it. Nothing
but myself.
So, again, I do believe because I find something about it that makes
sense to me. Later after you figure out what I mean, please kindly not judge.
Remember, what’s acceptable to people sometimes doesn’t suit you at all!
Introduction to Reincarnation
Let me write a brief introduction to reincarnation, just in case
you aren’t familiar. So, reincarnation is defined as the rebirth of a soul in a
new body. Yes, it’s another life for any soul that has been born before.
How it works is just a physical body dies, the spirit moves on to
another dimension. People simply say they go to the sky or wherever way up high.
After some period of time, they will be given a new physical body and of
course, a new role and a new story of life. When they are allowed to live
another life on earth, they come with their unfinished business from their
previous life. In their current life, they have purpose to finish what’s not
done in the past.
Alright, that’s my brief introduction to reincarnation. Now, I’ll list
my points that I want to input on this writing.
- Personal stories behind my
belief in reincarnation:
- A sign from a TV program
- Coincidence in school
- Other signs and familiar
- Twin flame and old songs
- Simple thoughts on believing
in reincarnation
- Second chance for all
creatures: how can I see the truth?
Stories behind My Belief
Some of my close friends know a tiny little
part of my personal stories that have connected me with reincarnation and Spanish
language. It includes this wonderful person that recently talked about
reincarnation with me. If you’re reading this, I’m saying “hi” to you, Anthony.
I’ll be writing all the untold stories of mine.
A Sign
from a TV Program
I was a primary school student with no foreign
language skills at the time. There’s this lonely evening when I was chilling at
home, watching TV with my auntie and grandma. Even now, I still have no idea
what TV program they watched that day. What I remember is one thing, it let me
hear a strange language that felt so familiar to my heart, but not to my ears.
I literally heard a different language being
spoken. A language that wasn’t familiar to my ears, but it seemed to be
familiar to my environment. But, which
I wanted to run away, but the more I heard that
unfamiliar language, the more I felt something weird all over my chest. The more
I paid attention to what was being said, the more I felt like I had missed
something, and that foreign language seemed like the only answer to the missing
thing. If only I could find another word to describe what I felt ….
As a realistic kid, I thought it was a sense of
curiosity. Only the sense of curiosity. I
asked my auntie, then. “What language is that?”
That’s what she said. And once again, I questioned the same weirdness. ‘Why do
I feel familiar to this language? I know I never heard of this language before,
but why do I suddenly feel like home?’
from School
Went on from that TV program, a separate story
happened in my life about 13 years ago. I was at the third grade of elementary
school, was already learning English harder than the other students in the
blind school. My teacher shared me a file of a Basic English story, and
apparently, the main character was a Spanish girl.
“This is the English story that I tried to find
from the internet for you to learn,” said her. “It’s different from the stories
we have in our school book, right?”
Yes, it was a completely different one. And it brought up the Spanish thing again.
As a little kid, I didn’t take time to question
the coincidence. Was not interesting at all to this Little Dhawy. Then when I grew a little older, I knew that it was
another clue into something I didn’t know.
If not, she could have shown a different story,
right? It doesn’t have to be that one about the Spanish person, right? There’s
a bunch of readings for beginners. Her mind possibly picked the others for me
to learn from.
Signs and Familiar Feelings
At my fifth grade of elementary school, I
started being on Facebook and found a bunch of online friends. And you know
where most of my friends were from? Mexico,
a Spanish speaking country.
Then, I started learning Spanish with them.
With no consistency, no serious intention at all as I was still working on my
English. During my on and off learning, my mind was enough to wonder why again.
‘Why does this language feel so familiar?’
I watched American Idol as well. I forgot which
season, but it was Candice Glover’s batch. *Hopefully I spelt her name right*
Back to my story. I loved almost all singers
from there, but my heart had a different feeling for Lazaro Arbos. Fun fact, I
didn’t know his profile at all! I searched his name right after joining a big Facebook
Group for his fans. What is that called? Fan club? I don’t know. Ahaha
Guess what?
He was from Cuba, another Spanish speaking country. My mind was like ‘why
do I always get connected to Spanish speaking countries, but never the European
There’s another story after performing in Bali,
too, not long after my mind questioning like that. I was so bored before my
flight to go back home. While waiting, I heard someone speaking English at the
airport. I was like ‘okay, it’s the time to show up. I will practice my
horrible English.’
I practiced my English with two people, a guy
and his girlfriend. I dropped my jaw right after he said they were from Spain!
Again, I got connected. My mind complained why
I’ve never met a Spanish person from Spain, then God allowed me to meet that
Flame and Old Songs
What is twin flame? Well, twin flame is a soul
connection between you and another individual that mentally, emotionally, and
spiritually looks like your mirror. When you talk to your twin flame, you’ll
see some aspect that seems like a copy of yourself. At the same time, you’ll
recognize some other opposite side of theirs that goes against the way you act.
Twin flame connection is just like looking at yourself
in front of the mirror. Your left side appears as right and vice versa.
However, it shows your face. Also one thing to keep in mind, your twin flame
doesn’t have to be the same age as you, doesn’t have to look physically the
same like you.
I met this twin in 2021, not long after
learning deeper about meditation and some other things. I will not write about how
we figured out our soul connection here, since it’s a very long story. But this
twin was born Venezuelan and now he’s living in Spain.
At the same period of time, I randomly found some
Spanish old songs that I favorite the most. Again, two Spanish signs in my life.
Before we move on to my simple thoughts, let me
drop the link to the Spanish old songs I meant above. I listen to them here.
Thoughts on Reincarnation
My thoughts on reincarnation are always updating, I think. Long
before I get into the internet, I only know one belief about afterlife. During my
childhood I’ve always heard of two people to go to after the physical body
dies. “Good people go to heaven, while the bad ones get their karma in hell,”
said most of the older people I knew.
Yes, that’s what I’ve been taught at 5-8 years old. Knowing only
that, I questioned where the second chance is, but didn’t have enough courage
to speak my mind because of how intimidating adult people could be.
In the meantime, I had also been taught about forgiveness. I was
extremely confused back then. I was like ‘hey, if we (humans) have to give
second chance to our fellow human, why is there no second chance for the bad
people so they don’t go to hell?’
Growing a little bit older, I heard a lot about how some people can
be born again. They even remember who they were in the past. The first time I
heard about soul rebirth at my teenage ages, I found it very vantacious but
attractive in its own way.
Thinking that way about soul rebirth, I lost what I wondered when I
was much younger. Forgetting my own questions, I thought it is just a maid-up
part of movies, and it’s impossible to be implemented in the real world. But
then a simple fact pinching me one night, a fact that says movies capture
things that seem fictional yet unbelievably truthful. So, being reborn can be true?
Reaching 20th, I started getting back all the old
memories. I got all the concept that I questioned after knowing about heaven
and hell, plus after being taught about forgiveness and punishment. I connected
my old questions to the reincarnation thing.
It turns out the soul rebirth
answers all of them.
Different people might have different opinions on this, it’s okay. To
me, the universe forgives every persons and it possibly gives more chance to
restart a new life, and reincarnation is the door to it.
Chance for All Creatures
Second chance for all
creatures, how can I see the truth? Well,
there’s one more thing that makes me believe in reincarnation as the truth of
second chances.
When we talk about social interactions in human nature, we hear an
act called forgiving; it allows
people to be in good situations again.
If it comes to material usage like paper, for example, we know a
process called recycling. That
process makes it ready to be used as new paper again.
So, how about spirits? Don’t you think our spirits have a thing
like the act of forgiving and recycling process in material use? I’d
say they have. Spirits have reincarnation
to rebuild their life and relearn their lesson.
Closing Statement
I have just written all my personal stories and simple thoughts
that has made me believe in reincarnation. It’s okay if it doesn’t make any
sense to some readers. My intention is just to let everyone know my way of
thinking and why I have that belief in mind. It’s never to claim anything from
my previous life. It’s never meant to address anyone.
Knowing who we were in the past is very difficult, sometimes. Not everyone has their clear past memories to remember in their conscious mind. Most of those memories are inside their subconscious mind and just showing existence through random signs. About my connection with Spanish, I don’t speculate anything really.
I highly appreciate all of you for clicking this post. I look forward to hear your feedback. Please leave me some comments here!
A great topic 👍