Poem on Self-Love: The Love and You

What's Behind My Poem

So, Together we read, together we understand the message in words, together we start loving. Please give yourself love. You deserve to be loved no matter what. You love yourself in the first place, not because others love you.

You do self-love as you were born to be self-lover and lover. Enjoy my poem, everyone. Don’t forget to feel the love within you!

The Love and You

Motivational Poem on Self-Love

The love was given to you

so you can go loving back

All the plots belong to you


But, what you mostly love isn’t you

The Thing is the only you

It’s not the love never helps you


Means the opposite is always done by you

See, you hate living life as you are

when the love keeps throwing hearts at who you are


The love has been gifted to you

So you can take a value

from anything that’s meant for you


But, what you forget is loving you

Although the love still cares about you

No matter how many of them

Have been killed by you

they still blow kisses for you 


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